Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Times2 rough drafts

I only had time to really make 1 good draft.  Sorry.

here it is.

I might compose this together with another shot of the same thing so that the clock face appears twice in the cup...

Other ideas I'm considering:

I want to do an image where the subject is expiration dates.  Maybe I'll go to Hanaford and get 31 pictures of different dates and make a calendar with them...

I want to experiment with panning.
I might try to think outside the box with this.  I will try panning rotationally instead of side to side.  Specifically, I might try to match the rotational speed of a wheel so the world spins around it.
I also want to try panning with something or somebody who is moving diagonally.  If I only pan in one direction with them, then their blur will be perpendicular to the blur of the background.

progression raw to finished:
this will be an image composed of several shots.  I want to show something go from its most raw form to its completed form.  It will be kind of like my tree--I think I will take slices of each shot and compose them together in order from "youngest" to "oldest."
right now I'm playing with grass->sheep->yarn->hat
or rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes....

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