Thursday, October 7, 2010

material matters

NOTE: I did not take any of the photographs in this post.

This is a pinhole image by Mark Tweedie Paper negative pinhole titled “pinhole – jan 1"  Taken in 2008

I think this is a cyanotype, but it might be a gum bichromate image by Sandra Davis taken in June(?)
This is a cyanotype on fabric done by James Mott on March 14, 2010
This Photograph was hand-colored by Joanne Domka.  She is a hand-colored photography specialist.  It is titled Construction.  I don't know the year or the size.
Hand-colored image: Sidewalk View, Ginza Dori, Tokyo ca. 1925

Title: Protuberencia // color 4x5 landscape pinhole photo by  IMRE BÉCSI
This is a pinhole image from another great pinhole artist.  Check out more of his AMAZING pinhole images at–-featured-pinhole-photographer/
Title: Homage to Man Ray // 6x9 pinhole photo by John Fobes

Edithe Beutler's "Coconut Climbers" hand colored photograph circa 1940's

SKU: VRP_027

This rare and beautiful image is skillfully reproduced here for the firs time ever directly from the original! Considered a master of Hawaiian handcolored photography, Edithe Beutler original photographs rarely turn up on the market for sale. To our knowledge, there are less than six originals of this image in exisence.

14.5" X 18"

Van Dyke Brown print cyanotype on Arche Platine paper. Analogical negative with interpositive on paper.

NORIKO OHBA  All I know is that this image is at least as old as 2008.  I love how long it takes to figure out what you're looking at.

I think the images were taken in Japan and I think this one is titled "waveswinger"
it is, of course, a pinhole.

1 comment:

  1. Have a edithe beutler coconut climbers and also a piece by beutler called sunset both signed photo framed. How can i find value of piece
