Sunday, September 26, 2010

Truly fictional photos by other photographers

Andreas Gursky, 2006
This image is unbelievable.  I don't even know what it is or how it was taken with a camera.
Andreas Gursky 1997
Gursky's images draw out dimensions.  He stretches images so that you feel like you are entering such an incredibly large space that you really can't believe it!

Here, Leibovitz shows through color and content who the white stripes are.  We know the stripes would never actually do that, but here they are doing it.
Annie Leibovitz 1991
We see a place that is unbelievable.  How and why would anybody be there?!

Helmut Newton (i couldn't find which year)
The photographer could not let that happen.  
Helmut Newton (again, I couldn't find the year)
these images are so ridiculous that they're hilarious.  I can imagine a photographer being so into the shoot that he shoots while running and jumping, but this is practically the scene in Austin Powers.


Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1954
Kids with booze. And the look on his face!


(I couldn't find the year)
First I wondered why these men were looking at a wall, then why they were sniffing poles, then I wondered what was so interesting on the other side of the screen.  I would laugh out loud if i saw a group of people staring at a screen in real life.
Elliot Erwitt 1.jpg
Eliott Erwitt 1983
WOW!  How funny is it to see people in such a reversed situation?  Why are they wearing socks?
Elliott Erwitt 1950

How unbelievably upsetting.  This is just like the boy with the grenade.  I don't believe it, but what if it's true?

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